#579 - Empowered and Transformed through Faith | Hope for Hurting Wives
For the past 8 weeks we’ve been offering wives a solid, weighty hope. It's a hope that can say “No matter what I’m facing, God is good. And no matter what it seems like now, I will go through this in faith so that I can become more like Jesus.” This is true hope, because we believe that everything we go through can be used by God to bring forth lasting, indestructible fruit. This is the final episode in our Hope for Hurting Wives series with Kathy Gallagher. Thanks for listening!
- When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart (Book) By Kathy Gallagher
- Hope for Struggling Marriages (Video Series) By Kathy Gallagher
- Refined as Silver (Podcast Series) By Pure Life Ministries